Leaving on a jet plane

看《中国合伙人》的时候,听到这首,突然就不行了,那时候的电影画面黑暗,姑娘准备离去,两个勉强在一起的恋人涌起了动物的情欲,音乐响起:我收拾好行囊,准备离开。这是我最近单曲循环的歌曲,更喜欢Dana Winner的这个版本,Dana Winner我不是很了解,但她的翻唱的很多经典歌曲我都很喜欢,还有一首Oldfield原唱的《Moonlight shadow》,个人感觉她的翻唱基本上都超过了原唱。
All my bags are packed, i’m ready to go                我的行囊已拾,即将远走
I’m standing here outside your door                    站在门外
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye                   不愿将你叫醒,不愿与你道别
But the dawn is breaking, it’s early morning           天已破晓,黎明已至
The taxi’s waiting, he’s blowing his horn              等候的出租在催促
Already i’m so lonesome i could die                    我孤独的几乎死去

So kiss me and smile for me                            吻我吧,对我微笑
Tell me that you’ll wait for me                        告诉我你会等我
Hold me like you’ll never let me go                    抱着我不要让我离开
cause i’m leaving on a jet plane                       我将乘着疾驶的客机
I don’t know when i’ll be back again                   不知何时能归
Oh babe, i hate to go                                  宝贝,我不愿离开

There’s so many times i’ve let you down                多少次我令你失望       
So many times i’ve played around                       多少次我胡闹妄为
But tell you that they don’t mean a thing              但这并不是我对你的爱
Every place i go i think of you            我会想你在每一个到过的地方                   
Every song i sing i’ll sing for you                    每一首歌为你而唱
When i come back, i’ll wear your wedding ring          当我回来时,我将戴上婚戒

So kiss me and smile for me                            吻我吧,对我微笑
Tell me that you’ll wait for me                        告诉我你会等我
Hold me like you’ll never let me go                    抱着我不要让我离开    
cause i’m leaving on a jet plane                       我将趁着疾驶的客机                                        
I don’t know when i’ll be back again                   不知何时能归
Oh babe, i hate to go                                  宝贝,我不愿离开
Now the time has come to leave you                     现在是离别的时候了
One more time, oh let me kiss you                      让我再次亲吻你
And close your eyes and i’ll be on my way              闭上你的眼睛,我将启程
Dream about the days to come                           憧憬着未来的日子
When i won’t have to leave alone                       我将再不必独自离开
By the times that i won’t have to say                  现在我要走了
So kiss me and smile for me                            吻我吧,对我微笑
Tell me that you’ll wait for me                        告诉我你会等我
Hold me like you’ll never let me go                    抱着我不要让我离开  
cause i’m leaving on a jet plane                       我将乘着疾驶的客机
I don’t know when i’ll be back again                   不知何时能归
Oh babe, i hate to go                                  宝贝,我不愿离开

Oh babe, i hate to go                                  宝贝,我不愿离开


Leaving on a jet plane》有一个想法


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